Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech



   ISMBS 2022 (was 2021) from Chania to Cajun land

spring starts early (February) here!

ICPC 2018

In honor of Ingram

growing up

ICPC 2018 Symposium in honor of David Ingram 

A special symposium on Typical and Atypical Development in Child Speech was organized in honor of Emeritus Professor David Ingram of Arizona State University (here).  

Symposium participants were:

Margaret Kehoe (here)
'Seeking cross-linguistic interaction in French bilingual phonological development'

Nicole Müller (here)
'Where phonology meets morphology in the context of rapid language change and universal bilingualism: The case of language development in Irish'

Anna Sosa (here)
'Predicting short-term speech sound normalization in English speaking preschoolers using lexical-phonological profiling'

Dimitrios Sotiropoulos (here)
'Ingram's PMLU and Nice's MLUw'

A. Lynn Williams (here)
'A taxonomy for phonological intervention'

Elena Babatsouli
'Bilingual child processing of consonant addition at vowel-initial words'   

Emeritus Professor David Ingram


