Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech



   ISMBS 2022 (was 2021) from Chania to Cajun land

spring starts early (February) here!
Demosthenes - ISMBS

ISMBS 2021

Plenary Lectures

Social Events

The Venue



ISMBS 2022 Call for Papers

The Symposium hosts a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas on monolingual and bilingual speech. Theoretical, experimental, observational, and computational contributions are welcome for oral or poster presentations that may be on:
- speech acquisition and use
- monolingual speech
- bilingual and multilingual speech
- child speech development
- adult and child L2 speech
- dialectal speech
- pronunciation learning and teaching
- normal and disordered speech
- language maintenance, loss and attrition
- speech perception and production
- speech recognition and processing
- atypical speech development and disorders
- speech and hearing impairment
- speech remediation

regarding phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, clinical phonetics and linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, neurolinguistics, educational linguistics, gestural language, acoustics, speech  physiology, methodological advancements, computational advancements, applications of new technologies.

The language of the Symposium is English. Oral presentations will be 30 minutes long including discussion. Poster presentations will not be concurrent with oral presentations; posters should be of size A0 in portrait.

Abstract Submission
Abstracts consist of a maximum of 300 words (excluding references) and 3-7 keywords. They should not exceed one A4 page including the references. The format is: 12 point Times New Roman font, single-lined, margins set to 2.54 cm (1 inch) all around. Doulos SIL ( is to be used for phonetic symbols.

Abstracts should be submitted as email attachments in both word and pdf versions by 1 November 2021 to The word version must include name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es), while the pdf version excludes all these. Preference for oral or poster presentation is indicated at the bottom of the abstract. Previously published works, including own, must be cited using name and year in parenthesis.

Submit abstracts to: 

Important Dates
Abstract submission extended deadline: 1 November 2021
Notification: by 1 December 2021

Full Paper Submission (opional)
Submission of full papers is optional. Full papers are welcome to be submitted after the Symposium (by 30 June 2022) for publication in special issues of the Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (Equinox Publishing), co-edited by Elena Babatsouli and Martin J. Ball. Also, brief articles (4-5 pages/2,500-3,500 words) may be submitted after the symposium, by 15 June 2022, for publication in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2022.